
Mana Ooru Mana Badi Telangana ( Mana Ooru Mana Badi Telangana gov in )

What is Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program | How Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program will work | What is Mana Ooru – Mana Badi portal | How govt will help through Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program


Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program has been started by the Government of Telangana. Now under this program, the Telangana government wants to improve the condition of schools and children’s education in the state.

mana ooru mana badi

Would like to tell you that now the Telangana government also wants to improve the condition and education of Telangana schools like Delhi schools. Mana Ooru Mana Badi portal is launched in the same direction.

What is the purpose of Mana Ooru Mana Badi Telangana gov in program?

The Telangana government wants to take the state’s schools to a higher level under this program. Every school wants to digitize. Every school wants to improve the infrastructure.

Mana Ooru – Under Mana Badi every child of the state has equal right to education.

The intention of the government behind launching this program is to give equal rights to every child of the state in the field of education. No matter the condition of the house of any child, he has the right to receive the same education as other children.

Efforts have been made under this program to provide equal opportunities to every poorest child like other children.

Mana Ooru – How Mana Badi will advance the field of education.

It is said that education is the biggest weapon on which even the toughest battles can be won.

The whole world can be changed only on the basis of education. And on the basis of education, only people can be brought out of the poverty line. Education itself works to open the doors of success in every field, which can lead people to Prosperity.

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Through Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program, an attempt has been made to provide equal education rights and equal opportunities to the children. Which will provide complete freedom to every student to move forward in the field of education.

Only on the basis of education, a ray of light can be brought from the lives of poor students by removing darkness.

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Mana Ooru – How the Mana Badi program will improve schools.

The Mana Ooru – Mana Badi program is designed in such a way that new classrooms will be built in every school in the state, the infrastructure of each school will be improved and it will be made beautiful like other private schools. Through this program, digital classrooms will be provided to the schools of the state and digital education will be promoted.

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At present there are about 26,065 in the state which will be renovated under this programme. Due to which about 19.84 lakh children of the state will be directly benefited. Old schools will be repaired and some new schools will also be constructed.

In this scheme, a separate budget will be made by the government and apart from this, a person can also donate to the state or country or can adopt any school in the state to improve and contribute in improving the condition of that school.

 A special hot line has been created by the government and an email id has also been created so that any interested person can stand with the government in this program.

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